# What is EMOQ ( エも句 ) ? EMOQ ( エも句 ) is Haikus contain Emoji (💯) to express for example emotions that more than only texts . examples - 🔇🤫 ☔💧🫧💦 ⛲🚿🏞️🚾🩵🔊 閑さや雨粒寄りて水の音 shozukesa ya / amatsubu yorite / mizu no oto the stillness: / rain drops / made streams - 重力や 木🍎 || || || 🆕🐷 ♪なり 《重力やニュートン♪おとすなり》 juryoku ya / new ton ♪ / otosunari - -春愁の夜の深くに青林檎🍏 shunshuu no / yoru no fukaku ni / aoringo (ヒロ , Hirosato Matsuura aka Buta, 2023-08-23, Sabiá句会 2023(令和5)年8月) -鳥🐦帰る 𝕏という名に取り替える( torikaeru / x toiu na ni / torikaeru (ヒロ , Hirosato Matsuura aka Buta, 2023-08-23, Sabiá句会 2023(令和5)年8月) # project about 🍎EMOQ ( 🍎EMOKigo) 🍎EMOKigo translate all ' CLDR Short Name ' of Emoji as Unicode and make Kigo (季語) list can use For 🍎EMOQ . examples of 🍎EMOKigo |🍎| apple |林檎 |秋| 晩秋 |🍏| green apple |青林檎 |夏| 晩夏 : .. ' EMOQ エモ句 ' =EMOji and can show EMOtion haiKU .. refs. Full Emoji List, v15.0 https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html (here) .. https://scholary.work/lit/hiq/emoq https://twitter.com/basho_emoji?t=2jIZLtFSJA99z_gQTgI6Xg&s=09 http://0209ko.sakura.ne.jp/haiku/emojihaiku2.html https://www.line-emoji.com/details/6090.html(back to hiq TOP page >)